Read receipts

Read receipts let you check who has read a message. You can see read receipts for any message, including both channel messages and direct messages.

With privacy in mind, Zulip lets you control whether your read receipts are shared, and administrators can choose whether to enable read receipts in their organization.

Read receipts reflect whether or not someone has marked a message as read, whether by viewing it, or by marking messages as read in bulk.

View who has read a message

  1. Hover over a message to reveal three icons on the right.

  2. Click on the ellipsis ().

  3. Click View read receipts.

You can also use Shift + V to show or hide read receipts for the selected message.

  1. Press and hold a message until the long-press menu appears.

  2. Tap View read receipts.

In addition to a list of names, you will see how many people have read the message.

Configure whether Zulip lets others see when you've read messages

Zulip supports the privacy option of never sharing whether or not you have read a message. If this setting is turned off, your name will never appear in the list of read receipts.

  1. Go to Account & privacy.

  2. Under Privacy, toggle Let others see when I've read messages.

Configure read receipts for your organization

This feature is only available to organization owners and administrators.

You can configure:

  • Whether read receipts are enabled in your organization.
  • Whether new users will allow others to view read receipts by default. (Note that users can always change this setting once they join.)

Configure whether read receipts are enabled in your organization

  1. Go to Organization settings.

  2. Under Message feed settings, toggle Enable read receipts.

  3. Click Save changes.

Configure default read receipt sharing settings for new users

  1. Go to Default user settings.

  2. Under Privacy settings, toggle Allow other users to view read receipts.